Let's explore some of the general configuration options related to indexing and query processing and leave config options related to caching, replication, and extending Solr to later sections. 现在,让我们先来看看与索引和查询处理有关的一些常见的配置选项,而与缓存、复制和扩展Solr有关的配置选项则留到后面的章节再介绍。
You can also replicate a database ( one master, many copies) to share the burden of query processing among many CPUs. 您还可以复制数据库(一个主数据库,多个副本),从而在多个CPU之间分担查询处理的负担。
The answer to these questions requires knowledge of the source system and its query processing capabilities. 回答这些问题需要使用源系统及其查询处理功能方面的知识。
The XML is now ready for query processing. XML现在已经就绪,可以进行查询处理了。
The CIMOM supports services such as event notification, remote access, and query processing. CIMOM支持服务,比如事件通知、远程访问以及查询处理。
She has worked extensively in the area of database performance and is interested in query optimization, parallel query processing, federated queries, and customer use cases. 她在数据库性能领域具有丰富的经验,尤其对查询优化、并行查询处理、联邦查询和客户用例很感兴趣。
Another technique is to set query processing to Database Only. 另一种方法是将查询处理设置为只针对数据库进行。
Report and query processing will be influenced by both the number of Concurrent users as well as by the complexity of your application. 报告和查询处理将受Concurrent用户数量和您应用程序复杂性的影响。
Query Processing and Optimization in Heterogeneous Information Integration 异构信息集成中的查询处理与优化研究
Efficient Subgraph Query Processing Algorithms on Graph-Structured XML Documents 图结构XML文档上子图查询的高效处理算法
A native XML storage scheme is directly related to query processing and data update. 原生XML存储方案直接关系到查询处理和数据更新。
A list of default query processing options is established for the duration of a user's work session. 将针对用户工作会话的持续时间,建立一个默认查询处理选项的列表。
Users and system orientation: An OLTP system is customer-oriented and is used for transaction and query processing by clerks, clients, and information technology professionals. 用户和系统的面向性:OLTP是面向顾客的,用于办事员、客户、和信息技术专业人员的事务和查询处理。
As the core operation in XML query processing, structural joining consumes a great deal of time. 在XML数据查询中,结构连接操作占用了大量时间。
Research on Top-K Query Processing Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks 无线传感器网络中Top-K查询处理方案研究
A Query Processing Approach Based on Buffer Management in Wireless Sensor Networks 一种无线传感器网络中基于缓冲区管理的查询处理方法
Data Stream Sharing Based Method for Filter Query in In-Network Query Processing 网内查询处理中的一种基于数据流共享的过滤查询算法
Query processing is the key technology of information integration system, we discussed the problem of optimizing query processing. 查询处置是信息集成体系的关键技术,文中讨论了查询优化处置题目。
Survey of Query Processing in Deep Web Data Integration deepweb数据集成中查询处理的研究与进展
Query Processing for Large XML Data in Distributive Environment 一种分布式环境中海量XML数据的有效查询机制
Research on Parallel OLAP Query Processing Technique based on Main-memory Database 基于内存数据库的OLAP并行查询处理技术研究
Research of Data Storage and Query Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks 无线传感器网络数据存储与查询处理算法的研究
A XML Date Query Processing Algorithm Based on Twig Pattern Matching 一种基于小枝模式匹配的XML数据查询处理算法
A Multimedia Query Language and Its Query Processing 多媒体查询语言及其查询处理方法研究
An Optimal Algorithm for Query Processing in the Broadcast Network 一个在广播网络中处理查询的优化算法
Furthermore, query processing in data warehouses does not interfere with the processing at local sources. 在数据仓库中进行的查询处理并不影响在局部源上进行的处理。
The major task of on-line operational database systems is to perform on-line transaction and query processing. 联机操作数据库系统的主要任务是执行联机事务和查询处理。
Uncertain data as incorrect data, inconsistent data, imprecise data bring challenges to effective query processing on extensible markup language ( XML). XML数据中的不正确数据、不一致数据、不精确数据等劣质数据给XML数据上的有效查询处理带来了挑战。
P2P Top-k Query Processing Algorithms over Uncertain Data P2P环境中不确定数据Top-k查询处理算法
Data distribution and query processing in distributed relational database systems 分布式关系数据库系统的数据分布与查询处理